ähnliche Artikel

Ear plug "Rainbow obsidian" in 3 different colors

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The offer refers to 1 piece. When buying 2 pieces we ship a matching pair

Each piece is unique, therefore slight variations in shape, color, structure, size (+/- 1mm) are possible

Optimum hold due to the saddle shape of the plug

This naturally occurring stone has a unique colorful glow and it is an exceptional rarity

Noble natural materials and very good craftsmanship - intended for everyday use or for special moments

Obsidian = volcanic glass. These naturally occurring stones are an exceptionally rarity.

Its special feature: these handmade colored rainbow obsidians, show a beautiful shimmer with beautiful color variations also under the trade name "Java Obsidian".

The name comes from Obsius, a Roman who, according to legend, brought the first of these stones to Rome.

Each stone plug is handmade and unique, because every piece of obsidian is always unique in color and shimmer. The shimmer is best seen in direct sunlight.

Organic jewelry for women and men - intended for everyday use or for special moments - characterized by noble natural materials and very good craftsmanship.

    Choose from the following models:
  • Model A = the green base color of this plug varies from light to dark with a more or less pronounced color
  • Model B = the base color of this plug is light blue with a more or less greenish color
  • Model C = the basic color of this plug is clear with a more or less brownish-yellowish color

Thanks to the skin-friendly properties of the material, our organic jewelry is completely harmless to allergy sufferers, but not autoclavable.

gemstone natural body mod jewellery piercing ear stretcher

Attention: Small jewelry is not suitable for children under 3 years. Danger of swallowing!

General Safety Instructions

  • Piercing jewelry made from natural materials is not suitable for first use
  • Natural materials can be damaged by moisture, temperature fluctuations or cosmetics
  • In very rare cases, certain materials, especially wood or materials of maritime origin, may cause allergic reactions. If in doubt, contact your doctor
  • All our articles comply with the requirements of the applicable regulations on ingredients. In particular, nickel, cadmium and lead do not exceed the specified limit
  • Detailed instructions on care and risks of use are included in your shipment and can additionally be reviewed here