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Ring of O polished & matte silver stainless steel (15.9 - 24.9 mm)

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STATEMENT:A symbol and distinctive mark of the BDSM and Fetish Scene - A narrow band ring with fully moving eyelet - presented as a slave ring in Just Jaekin's 1975 novel adaptation, as a token of the submission of the protagonist, "the O"

INDIVIDUAL SIZES: Available in 11 different ring sizes. From 15.9 to 24.9 millimeters in diameter, there is a ring for every men and women. You can choose between matte and polished

COMFORTABLE: The inside rounded edges ensure a comfortable fit

STEEL: Harder than silver, does not stain, is hypoallergenic and retains its lasting shine - these are just a few of the benefits of Fly Style rings

Elegant 8 mm wide band ring made of hypoallergenic 316L surgical steel with movable slave ring

As a slave ring, this beautiful ring is very popular in the BDSM / SM scene among Submissives & Dominants.

The Surgical Steel 316L used has special properties:
It has a chromium oxide cladding that prevents the nickel content from penetrating the body. As a result, it is hypoallergenic and also reduces formation of micro-bacteria due to its surface qualities. Further advantages: No staining on the skin or clothing, much harder than silver and thus practically indestructible, lasting shine, due to its corrosion-free properties.

The Ring of O is widely known among the BDSM sub-culture. First pictured in the novel "Story of O" by Pauline Réage it became very popular as a symbol of the submissives or "slaves". It is a distinctive mark used mainly in Europe and especially in the German speaking countries. The "Slave Ring" - as it is also known - was first used only as a submissive's symbol but is nowadays used also by dominants. It can be worn on any finger, and some consider the use of the ring on the right hand as a submissive sign and on the left hand as a dominant sign. It's shape was inspired by the Story of O movie and consists of a cylindrical steel ring of various widths with an attached smaller ring representing the shackle for the literal chain used in bondage S/M (SandM or SM) games. The Ring of O development is commonly attached to the German BDSM practitioners as well as some designers. From 1990 on The Ring of O or the "Slave Ring" has been used also outside of the BDSM sub-culture.

During the cool down period of the casting process molten stainless steel forms a layer of chromium oxide. This reduces the contact of the skin with the already low nickel content and makes the material hypoallergenic and also lowers the possibility of proliferation of microorganisms and bacteria. Surgical steel is thus first choice for newly made piercings.

  • no discoloring of the skin or clothing
  • much harder than silver and practically indestructible
  • long lasting shine (corrosion-free)

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Attention: Small jewelry is not suitable for children under 3 years. Danger of swallowing!

General Safety Instructions

  • Piercing jewelry made from natural materials is not suitable for first use
  • Natural materials can be damaged by moisture, temperature fluctuations or cosmetics
  • In very rare cases, certain materials, especially wood or materials of maritime origin, may cause allergic reactions. If in doubt, contact your doctor
  • All our articles comply with the requirements of the applicable regulations on ingredients. In particular, nickel, cadmium and lead do not exceed the specified limit
  • Detailed instructions on care and risks of use are included in your shipment and can additionally be reviewed here