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BDSM Triskel Stainless Steel Pendant in three sizes for men and women

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Ø Eyelet: approx. 4.5 mm

The shown necklace is not part of the offer.

You will get a black, waterproof and waxed cotton band with your purchase for free.

Stainless steel pendant / BDSM emblem made of 316L surgical stainless steel in top quality

Now available with enhanced black enamelled resin filling or silver acid etched emblem.

You will find matching earrings and rings in our other offers.

    Advantages of stainless steel over silver:
  • no tarnishing of the material
  • no discoloration of skin or clothing
  • much harder than silver and thus practically indestructible
  • durable brilliance due to no corrosion
  • anti-allergenic

BDSM TRISKEL: The official BDSM symbol derives from the ancient triskel symbol used by different cultures throughout history. The BDSM Triskel is a three-division that follows a clockwise rotation and where both black and silver colors are used. The tripartite division symbolizes as well the three consistent game modes in BDSM. BandD (Bondage and Discipline), DandS (Dominance and Submission) and SandM (Sadism and Masochism). In addition it represents the three BDSMers principles: safety (Safe), health (Sane), mutual consent (Consensual) and also the three roles that take part in BDSM: Active (Tops), Passive (Bottoms), and fickle (Switchers).

BDSM stands for a wide variety of practices and expressions that can be both erotic or non-erotic in nature, which involves extreme body modification, animal players (sodomie), latex or rubber lovers, restraint, role-play, sensory stimulation as well as numerous interpersonal activities. BDSM is connected with practices such as bondage and discipline (BandD or BD), dominance and submission (DandS or D/S) and sadomasochism or sadism and masochism (SandM or S/M).

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Attention: Small jewelry is not suitable for children under 3 years. Danger of swallowing!

General Safety Instructions

  • Piercing jewelry made from natural materials is not suitable for first use
  • Natural materials can be damaged by moisture, temperature fluctuations or cosmetics
  • In very rare cases, certain materials, especially wood or materials of maritime origin, may cause allergic reactions. If in doubt, contact your doctor
  • All our articles comply with the requirements of the applicable regulations on ingredients. In particular, nickel, cadmium and lead do not exceed the specified limit
  • Detailed instructions on care and risks of use are included in your shipment and can additionally be reviewed here