Content 1 piece
Item ID 101826
Model pgmix012_blau
Manufacturer Fly Style

Blue Plain Silicone Flesh-Plug

EUR 2.50 *
Content 1 piece

Skin friendly properties (absolutely hypoallergenic)

Not too soft yet flexible silicone plugs with very good hold in the ear, skin-friendly properties, especially suitable for sports and leisure activities

Length: approx. 10 mm

The edges of the tunnel are 2 mm wider than the actual tunnel diameter, therefore it appears larger in size

1 piece lightweight silicone plugs in top hat design. Not too soft but flexible. Best wearing comfort, especially during sport and leisure activities or while wearing helmets.

These top hat plugs have a 2 mm wider edge on both sides, which provides a secure grip.

The skin-colored or natural-colored variants are suitable as retainers or hider plugs, if this kind of jewelry for extended ear holes has to be removed temporarily for professional or medical reasons (job application, interview, hospital stay, etc.) or due to any other reason. If the plug does not match 100% exactly in color, it can be covered with make-up.

ear plug ear tunnel flesh tunnel plug piercing body jewelry silicone fashion accessories women men

Attention: Small jewelry is not suitable for children under 3 years. Danger of swallowing!

General Safety Instructions

  • Piercing jewelry made from natural materials is not suitable for first use
  • Natural materials can be damaged by moisture, temperature fluctuations or cosmetics
  • In very rare cases, certain materials, especially wood or materials of maritime origin, may cause allergic reactions. If in doubt, contact your doctor
  • All our articles comply with the requirements of the applicable regulations on ingredients. In particular, nickel, cadmium and lead do not exceed the specified limit
  • Detailed instructions on care and risks of use are included in your shipment and can additionally be reviewed here