ähnliche Artikel

Flesh Plug made of Labradorite - Concave on one side

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The offer refers to 1 piece. If you buy 2 pieces, we will send a matching pair

Total length of the plug: 11 mm

Comfortable fit and secure hold in the ear thanks to the shape of the plug (saddle or double flared plug)

Handcrafted from natural materials: Variations in color and structure possible. See pictures in the offer

Hand-made flesh plug made from real labradorite.

Beautiful stone plug for men and women with a concave side and a straight side. Thus, the plug can be worn in both directions as desired.

Thanks to the shape of the plug - the saddle plugs are narrower in the middle - no elastic bands are required and the plug sits perfectly in the ear and does not slip.

Labradorite is a plagioclase from the group of feldspars and the mineral class of silicates, a quite common mixture of anorthite and albite. What is striking about the labradorite is the iridescent play of colors in a metallic sheen, the so-called labradorescence, which is reminiscent of the colors of the northern lights. Labradorites are among the most beautiful minerals that shimmer in a large range of colors and can shimmer from green to orange to purple or bright blue, similar to moonstone, as well as in all colors of the rainbow. The labradorite is partially translucent and has beautiful different grains and structures. Our pictures in the offer illustrate the variety of possibilities of color and structure. Another variant of the feldspar mineral labradorite is spectrolite. Labradorite is also used as a healing stone in alternative medicine, without the healing effect being confirmed in clinical studies.

Labradorite is sensitive to heat, acids and alkalis as well as galvanic baths. Cleaning in an ultrasonic bath can damage the stone. Labradorite is softer than quartz and therefore quite sensitive to scratches. Careful handling goes without saying. Take off your jewelry before going to bed, during sporting activities and various physical tasks. Avoid contact with water, perfume and personal hygiene products, too high temperatures and their fluctuations such as in the sauna. It is also advisable not to expose this gemstone to excessive sun. Therefore, under no circumstances should you wear labradorite in the solarium.

Every plug is handcrafted and unique. Every single piece is always unique in color and shape.

Natural jewelry made of organic materials (e.g. wood, horn and stone) is usually suitable for allergy sufferers. When used as intended, the jewelry is harmless but cannot be sterilized.

stone plug, mineral plug, stone tunnel, flesh plug, flesh tunnel, piercing

Attention: Small jewelry is not suitable for children under 3 years. Danger of swallowing!

General Safety Instructions

  • Piercing jewelry made from natural materials is not suitable for first use
  • Natural materials can be damaged by moisture, temperature fluctuations or cosmetics
  • In very rare cases, certain materials, especially wood or materials of maritime origin, may cause allergic reactions. If in doubt, contact your doctor
  • All our articles comply with the requirements of the applicable regulations on ingredients. In particular, nickel, cadmium and lead do not exceed the specified limit
  • Detailed instructions on care and risks of use are included in your shipment and can additionally be reviewed here